Frequently Asked Questions

Yes you will get certificate at the end subject to qualification of test. However if you alsowant we can proceed with Microsoft for certificate, this would be on extra chargeable basis

You since we customer specific, so you can just email us we will provide back up classes.

Yes you will get an E book at the end of the sessions.

Our all tutors are only professionals they are certified from Microsoft, they are holding various degree like CA, CS, CPA, CMA or CFA They are industries EXPERT They have also trained more than 1000 students around the world So they are just going to take live industries example during the sessions.

You can make the payment only through payment gateway, If payment gateway is not working then you may email us on info@vikominstitute.com. We will provide alternate source.

You can partial payment by adopting Trial Pack, the fees of the Trial pack is INR 1000 or 15$. This fees will be deducted from your total course fees